Car Cruise-In is June 15th

The Downtown Willoughby Car Cruise-in is THIS SATURDAY. Join us for cool cars, good food and live music!

Please note the following ROAD CLOSURES in DTW for the event:

No Parking in DTW after 12pm. All cars parked must be moved by 12pm. Beginning at 1 pm, the following roads/areas will be closed:

* Elm Street (closed until 4 pm for car staging)

* Erie Street (DTW) at Vine St/Mentor Ave

* Euclid Ave at Sharpe Ave

* River Street at Center St (limited access to church via Prospect)

* East Spaulding Street

* Third Street – Closed to through traffic from Clark (limited access to post office)

* Second Street – Closed to through traffic from Clark (limited access to bank and salon)

* West Spaulding – Closed to through traffic from Clark (limited access to library)


* No parking in DTW after 12 pm; all parked cars must be moved by 12 pm

* Detour: Use Clark Street from Vine Street to Sharpe Ave. to Euclid Ave. to bypass DTW

* No truck traffic permitted on Clark Street, please proceed to Beidler

* Outdoor Market will be open from 8 am – 12 pm

This even is hosted by the Downtown Willoughby Cruise-In Committee