Santa Parade 2024
Step outside and wave as Santa travels around the city on Saturday, December 14th! Two trucks will set out at 11 am. We will be collecting non-perishable food along the way to donate to the United Methodist Church Food Pantry.
STARTS….. Tamarac/Lost Nation to Lakeshore to Beachview
Beachview to Eaglewood to Lakeshore to Cherokee (south side) to Comanche to Mohegan
Mohegan to Lakeshore to South Beachview to Lost Nation
Lost Nation to Crossbrook back to Lost Nation
Lost Nation to Hodgson to North Bay and back to Lost Nation
Lost Nation to Mary Clarke Dr. (drive on the main road through the development)
Lost Nation to Westminister Lane, Drury Ct., Glenbury and back to LN
Hurricane to Cheltenham/Nantucket to Reeves to Lost Nation
Lost Nation to Gilson Parkway to Erie Rd. to Abbotts Mill/Bethany Court to Erie Rd. to complete!
STARTS…. Mentor Ave to Arcadia Circle to Mentor Ave., turn right to Midland to Rt. 84
Rt. 84 to Polo Park (drive around development) back to Rt. 84 to Kirtland Rd to Willowdale/Harmondale
Back to Rt. 84 to St. John’s Bluff to Rt. 84 to Shankland to Arlington to Hastings to River St.
River St. to Wilson Ave. to Center St. to Brown Ave. to Grove Ave. to Sharpe Ave. to Euclid Ave.
Euclid Ave. to Robinhood to Jack Reinhards Ave. to karen Isle Drive to Skytop to Rt. 84
Rt. 84 to Halle Drive to Colonial to SOM to Big Turtle 2 (loop around the condos) to Big Turtle 1 (Loop around the condos) to Euclid Ave. to Oakridge and loop around and complete!