The responsibility of the Charter Review Commission is to review the Charter and recommend any alterations, revisions, or amendments as are desirable in the judgment of the Commission. The Commission shall conduct meetings, hearings, and investigations as it deems necessary and shall submit amendments to the Council, no later than August 1st following the appointment of the Commission. Upon receipt of such amendments, the Council shall consider such recommendations and take such action regarding the submission to the electors of any such proposed alterations, revisions, and amendments of this Charter as the Council shall deem advisable in the manner provided in Article XII, Section 1.
Within one month of January, 2000, and every six (6) years thereafter, the Mayor shall convene a Charter Review Commission consisting of nine (9) electors of the municipality, seven (7) of whom shall be appointed, one by each member of Council and two by the Mayor. No commission member shall hold any other public office or position in the City.
Current Members:
Brain Katz
Alice Pescrilli
Bruce Sundman
Eric Mastroianni
Christian Sievers
Heath Wenzel
Albert Zehe
Amy Bell
Matt McCue