Since its humble beginnings in 1894, the Willoughby Fire Department has grown from two companies of volunteers utilizing hose carts, to a combination full-time and part-time department of 60 members utilizing state-of-the-art fire fighting and emergency medical equipment. Today the Fire Department provides a wide array of emergency and non-emergency services. Services include fire suppression, paramedic-level emergency medical services, hazardous materials incident mitigation, specialized technical rescue, fire investigation, fire prevention, fire and life-safety educational programs, and FREE smoke and carbon monoxide alarm and lock box installation. Throughout the history of the Department our statistics have changed dramatically, yet one thing remains the same – the men and women of the Willoughby Fire Department are committed to providing the highest level of service possible.
The mission of the Willoughby Fire Department is “to protect community, life, and property through the delivery of efficient and effective fire and life safety services.” Our mission is accomplished through the delivery of emergency and non-emergency public safety services. Although non-emergency services play a significant role in fire and life safety prevention, it is the emergency services that, by nature, garner most of the attention.