About Willoughby City Council
City Council members are public officials elected or appointed to represent a ward or district within the city. Willoughby has seven City Council members, representing six wards and one At-Large position. Members serve a two-year term, with elections held on the odd-numbered years.
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City Council is the legislative branch of government. It carries out duties per the Home Rule Charter and the laws of the state and is primarily responsible for making laws which govern the Willoughby. City Council proposes, debates and votes on legislation governing the city. This body also approves appointments as provided by the Charter, regulates revenues and expenditures, incurs debt, and approves the final operating and capital budgets for the city. Council is responsible for the introduction of legislation generated by the administrative branch of city government. Council may also introduce legislation generated by an individual member or Council as a body.
City Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 pm in the lower level of City Hall. Committee and legislative caucus meetings occur before each meeting.