City Snow Removal
The City has a curb to curb snow removal policy. Dangerous hills, curves, and bridges are monitored and treated as necessary throughout a snow event. All public streets within Willoughby receive snow removal service according to the following priorities:
Priority 1: Main roads, hills, secondary streets, police and fire departments
Priority 2: Residential streets and cul-de-sacs (after residential streets are done)
Priority 3: Cemeteries; city parking lots; Euclid Ave., Erie Street, Vine Street, Mentor Ave., Lost Nation and Lake Shore sidewalks
Not Treated by City of Willoughby: Private residential streets, condos and apartments
Residential Sidewalks
Residents are required to keep their sidewalks free of snow, ice, debris and obstructions. Sidewalks are to be cleared of snow within 24 hours of the snow event or they are subject to fines. Depositing snow or ice on any public sidewalk, street, bike path, road or highway is not permitted.
Residents can assist the snow plowing process:
- Do not shovel or plow snow into city streets
- Do not shovel or plow snow into driveway aprons
- Remove snow from in front of mailboxes and fire hydrants
- Keep distance from the snowplows
- Remove parked cars from the street
- Do not attempt to pass a snowplow
Snow Emergency: A snow parking ban is effective when there is 2” of snow or more.