Community Information Meeting – Dec 7th (including recording)
The purpose of this meeting is to share information about proposed development projects in Willoughby. City administration, council members and development project representatives will be present. This meeting will be hosted online via Zoom.
Date: Monday, December 7th (rescheduled from Oct 26th)
Time: 7 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Zoom
Meeting ID: 881 0135 1775
TO LISTEN AND WATCH (and speak during the Q & A portion of the meeting), download the Zoom App on your smart phone or computer and enter the Meeting ID number or go to https://zoom:us/join and enter the Meeting ID number. Attendees will be muted and must use the “raise my hand” icon if they wish to speak during the Q & A portion at the end of the meeting. Please remember to enable your microphone and speakers. Attendees will be asked for their name and address for the record before making a comment or asking a question.
To LISTEN ONLY through your phone, please dial 1-312-626-6799 or 1-929-205-6099
MEETING ID: 881 0135 1775
1. Development Project Process and Zoning Types
2. Riverwalk – Phase 3 (proposed project)
3. Second St Development (proposed project)
4. Updates on current development projects
Click here for an video of the zoning types and the development project approval process.