Inspection Procedures Update
Updated July 20, 2020
Inspections in occupied homes for hot water tanks, furnaces, minor electrical improvements, etc. will be performed remotely. Inspections for home additions with access gained from the exterior of the house, new single-family dwellings and inspections for commercial construction will proceed as normal.
Remote Inspection Procedures
- A photo of the house with the house number and permit is required.
- Several photos of the work area are required with the permit in each photo. For furnace and hot water tank replacements, an image showing venting, dirt leg, condensate disposal, tank pan/drain if required, condensing unit breaker and condensing unit refrigerant access ports.
- For interior basement water management systems, provide photo of footing drain discharge into the sump crock, photos of the footing drain on the bedding, photos of the gravel backfill prior to pouring concrete and photo of the sump discharge line with the check valve. Include electric if installed.
- Photographs shall be emailed to with the subject line of the email being the type of inspection and address of the jobsite.
Other inspection methods will be at the discretion of the Chief Building Official in coordination with the homeowner and/or contractor. Please call the Building Department at (440) 953-4118 with any questions regarding the procedures.