Zoning Code Update
The City of Willoughby’s Planning and Zoning code establishes the rules and regulations regarding the design and use of buildings, permitted uses in the various zones, development standards and regulations, zoning maps, and the development review process. Such items include parcel size, building heights, density, setbacks, parking, landscaping, fencing, and other aspects of property development and use.
Since 2017, members of City Council and Planning Commission from two different administrations have met in work sessions focusing on amendments to the Planning and Zoning Code, to maintain consistency between the comprehensive plan and city ordinances. These amendments involved adding or removing definitions as needed, removing any outdated language, updating development procedures and maps and cleaning up terms throughout the code to make the document more user-friendly. The overall goal of the update is to promote orderly growth and guide future development while continuing to protect and promote public health, safety, comfort, convenience, economy, aesthetics and general welfare.
The Zoning Code amendment was approved by City Council on February 18th, 2020 and effective as of March 19th, 2020. The Map Amendment was approved by City Council on March 3rd, 2020 and effective on April 2nd, 2020.