February 2018
The past month brings some new faces to City Hall with the promotion of others. We are pleased to announce that Diane Bosley, our Assistant Finance Director has been promoted to Finance Director. Over the past years, Diane has worked closely with our retiring Finance Director Ray Rogowski in maintaining our reputation for excellence in accounting. She brings an intimate knowledge of our budgeting process, business systems and staff that will insure continued stability in this department.
We are also pleased to announce the selection of Lee Bock as our new Service Director. Lee brings 30 years of experience as a member of Euclid’s Service Department and is familiar with every department and task associated with a large and complex service team. He has certifications in waterline, highway and sewer construction as well as storm water management. While at Euclid, Lee was successful in obtaining significant grant funding, and we are hopeful he will continue those efforts in Willoughby.
Finally, we are delighted that Tom Thielman will be our new Director of Economic Development. Tom is a Wickliffe resident where he started his career in Economic Development before working for the City of Parma. Most recently, Tom spent 12 years as an Economic Development Administrator for the City of Mentor. Tom earned a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University.
Our goal over the next months is to help our new directors become more familiar with Willoughby and, more importantly, understand the qualities that make our city unique and special.
As we leave the holidays and move through the worst days of the winter season please remember a few things. Our service crews are obligated to plow main roads first. This insures safe passage of emergency vehicles. In a heavy snow event, this may cause a delay in plowing side streets. Please be patient, they will get to your street. Also, our plows may push snow onto your apron. This is difficult to avoid and may require cleanup by the homeowner. Finally, if you are using a plowing service, please make sure you neighbors know when and where you will be pushing the snow.
While we endure the coldest days of the year, please remember we are only about 6 weeks from the first day of Spring!