January 2020
In looking towards 2020, we are excited about our New Year’s resolutions.
This month we are introducing our refreshed website that should be more intuitive and interactive. Over the past months, we have been working to include features to the new site that will provide easier access to the most requested information and better user interfaces. Our goal is to provide accurate and updated information about City events and issues.
With the Osborne Park improvements completed last year, we are looking forward to new programming for the Lakefront District, including summer concerts. Our goal is to create new activity at one of our City’s greatest assets, Lake Erie. We recently received news from the Ohio Department of Transportation that we will receive funding for the paving of Lakeshore Blvd. from Mentor to Eastlake, and we expect this work to begin in the fall of this year. Finally, we are anticipating other improvements to businesses along Lakeshore Blvd. helping to stimulate private investment in this area.
The major summer events are all returning this year, including The Rib Burn Off, Live Well Willoughby, Classic Car Cruise-In, Arts Fest, and Last Stop Willoughby/Corn Roast. The Gazebo concert series continues with a line-up including favorite acts from last year with some new artists. These events are presented through the collaboration between our local businesses, merchants, bars, and restaurants.
This year we are also expanding our efforts in preserving our lakefront and enhancing our riverfront. Last summer, we met with State and Federal legislators to identify strategies and possible funding for lakefront planning. Also, we are in discussions with designers familiar with Lake Erie’s erosion issues as we look to refresh the Osborne Park Master Plan and develop erosion control solutions. For private property owners, we are working with the Lake County Port and Economic Development Authority to identify a funding source for the Lakefront Special Improvement District.
The Vine Street TLCI planning effort will start this spring funded by a $120,000 grant from NOACA. This study will connect our lakefront in Willowick to our Historic Downtown.
Finally, we are pleased to announce a unique collaboration that includes over 20 regional partners in planning a Chagrin River Trail beginning in Lake Erie and ending in the North Chagrin Reservation. The plan would consist of Daniels Park and Todd Fields and provide access and amenities to our riverfront.
We are looking to the opportunities that this New Year brings!