January 2024
New Year’s Resolutions are an annual tradition, and in the spirit of the season, we’d like to offer our resolutions and commitments for 2024.
A top priority in 2024 is the restoration of the Osborne Park Shoreline. As part of a long-range master plan, we have identified a phase one project that will include stabilizing the failed slope and installing erosion control measures to prevent future erosion. This work will include creating a slope to the waterfront, allowing public access. It will also protect this area’s existing storm sewer and water line. We estimate this work to be about $3 million, excluding engineering fees, and we have about $1.8 million dedicated towards this project. The engineering documents for the phase one project have been submitted to the permitting authorities for review and approval.
We are also working on other improvements for our lakefront district, including creating new branding elements and other enhancements to help spur economic development in the area and providing economic incentives for investment along the Lakeshore corridor. We hope these improvements will provide the impetus to resurrect the area business owner’s association to help with planning more events along our lakefront.
Our Chagrin River Trail connection between Daniels Park and Todd Fields is moving forward, helped in large part by a federal grant from NOAA to acquire over one hundred acres from the Andrews Osborne Academy. We expect to have the final design and engineering documents completed within the next year, and we are hopeful that some construction can begin in 2024.
In our continued effort to curate the tenant mix in downtown Willoughby, we are adjusting our codes and ordinances to ensure the area is family-friendly with a focus on great shopping and entertainment experiences. We also hope to begin replacing outdated and non-functioning decorative lighting along Erie Street and elsewhere. Our goal is to maintain the reputation of our historic downtown as one of the most walkable areas in Lake County.
All New Year’s resolutions require both individual and collective work. Since ours are built on ambitious plans, we will need input and support from our residents. We encourage everyone to participate in the planning process for all our initiatives and will continue hosting public meetings to update everyone on their status.
We wish you a happy and healthy New Year!