September 2019

On November 1st we will have a new provider for our trash and recyclables pick up.

Every three to five years, the City goes out to bid for trash and recycling services. For the past 14 years, the successful bidder was Waste Management. This year, the lowest and best bid for the 5-year contract was Republic Services. Republic is a reputable service provider and is a Fortune 500 Company, operating across 41 states. They are currently the solid waste pickup providers for Mentor, Perry, and Wickliffe and hundreds of other cities across the state. We were also successful in negotiating trash pickup for condominiums at the same price as other homeowners if the vehicles can service those properties.

Many of our residents will not notice a change in service, but there are a few important things to note. First, Republic will be providing both the garbage and recycling totes for our residents. This is due to their vehicles having automatic tote-handling equipment and is similar to the recycling pick up we currently have. Trash totes will be 96 gallons and the recycling totes will be 64 gallons. Republic is asking residents to use their totes first and you can add up to three 32-gallon cans of your own or five 30-gallon bags. Also, Republic will continue to pick up bulk items (furniture, appliances, etc.) and yard waste weekly. Yard waste in cans should be marked “YW,” or you can use yard waste bags.

Our new provider will make every attempt to maintain the current schedule for trash pickup, but some route days and/or times may change. Beginning the week of October 21st, Waste Management will start picking up their recycling bins and any bins not retrieved will be picked up the following week, along with any rented trash totes. They are asking all residents to place their recycling bins out the week of October 21st. During this same timeframe, Republic will be delivering 16,000 garbage and recycling totes to our residents.

Republic will invoice residents directly as Waste Management did. The monthly fee is $16.76 and will be billed quarterly. The first bill may only be for the last two months of this year. Waste Management will provide refunds to any residents that have overpaid but cautioned this could take 30 days.

Republic will be sending letters to residents with details of their services and will include their contact information. We are asking our residents to be patient during this change, and we will be adding information on trash and recycling pickup on the City’s website:

Finally, as fall approaches, please note that leaf pickup will resume. This will begin about the second week of October and continue until December 1st, weather permitting. If we have an early snowfall, plowing will take priority and leaf pickup may stop. You can bag leaves for trash pickup or rake them to the tree lawn. Please do not rake leaves into the street or roadside ditches.